Green Pastures?

Psalm 23:2 – He makes me lie down in green pastures.

I’m going to share two videos with you that help give an image of the green pastures of David’s Psalm. I know it changed my perspective.

Ray Vander Laan explains from the hill country of Judah what “green pastures” really means.

Here is another short article about green pastures on Ray Vander Laan’s website

Barry Britnell and Jeremy DeHut from Appian Media walk alongside shepherds and sheep in Bethlehem and also give some insight on the green pastures of David’s day. Subscribe to Appian Media and watch their awesome videos in the Bible Lands!

In his book, A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23, W. Phillip Keller points out that many breeds of sheep thrive in dry semi-arid areas. That would describe the pastures of David’s Bethlehem in his days. But Keller also points out that in those areas if a shepherd wants really lush green pasture land, he will have to clear rocks, irrigate, plant and aggressively maintain that pasture. There is a lot of work to be done on the shepherd’s part.